"O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

(Isaiah 64:8)


My passion is sharing God's Word and my story

to encourage women to live lives marked by:

gracious intimacy with Jesus Christ,

godly influence in their close relationships, and

using their gifts and talents

to fulfill their God-given calling in the world.

I have developed 2 different series of talks for women’s retreats:


Beauty through Brokenness:

How a fresh look at God’s grace can radically impact our approach 
to spiritual growth and ministry

Fully Free:

Identifying the walls that keep us from freely and fully serving God

If you or your church/organization would be interested in having me speak at an event, workshop, conference or retreat please contact me via this website. I would also be available to develop new retreat talks based on specific Scriptures, themes, or topics relevant to the women at your church.


Here's what one woman said after attending a retreat (April 2010):

 “The speaker (Laura Rife) was amazing . . . she spoke to us about God's word, and He (God) most certainly used her. I know I was not the only woman that left the retreat feeling refreshed and reassured that God loves me- no matter what. My job now is to wake up every day and say ‘God, I'm right here . . . You can love me today’ . . . Praise God that He takes away our hurts, our sins, our pasts, and not only forgives us for them but loves us despite them. . . I don't need to get my life together and be perfect (or feel perfect) before I can come before my Savior. No! He wants me just as I am.” 

To hear excerpts from Beauty Through Brokenness click here

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